Happy New Year! We offer a very special welcome to the new families and staff joining our All Saints Grammar School this year. We hope that becoming part of our School’s great community brings plenty of joy and success for you and your child.


Although we had hoped for some return to normality this year, it appears this will be a gradual process as we continue to face challenges. We will endeavour to keep you updated on our response to government guidelines and requirements as we move through the Term.


At the time of writing, restrictions continue to be in place advising that parents should remain off campus, other than for reasons that comply with current NSW Health guidelines, such as essential pre-arranged meetings with staff. Unfortunately, this advice means that our annual Parent Welcome event will be postponed until later in the year. We will keep you informed as more details become available and we appreciate your patience regarding the flow of information as the requirements and advice from authorities tends to change frequently and unexpectedly.


This year, we will be working on our 2022-2026 School Strategic Plan, which will review and re-articulate our vision for the future and guide our efforts for improvement in the coming years. The input from you, our community, will be crucial in this process. We will be seeking your input at key junctures of this process to ensure that the forthcoming plan for our school is also reflective of our community’s vision.


I would like to extend our thanks to all the participants who took the time to participate in our End of Year Survey. We are incredibly appreciative of the feedback, both positive and negative, and it was reassuring to hear that many of the themes raised by the community have already been identified by the School’s Executive as areas of focus for improvement.


It was, however, concerning to hear that there is a perception amongst some parents that feedback will not be addressed, and we take comments of this nature very seriously. We have sought to address several items of feedback already, such as improving the communications around our community events via a more thorough listing of key information on our website and celebrating our students’ achievements more frequently, such as via our recent HSC Congratulatory Communication and Brochure. While some changes may take longer than others, be assured that we are listening to the feedback we receive, and are putting in place processes and strategies to act on your suggestions.


We hope to have your support through this exciting, and important, time for our school.


I look forward to your continued support throughout 2021 and hope that we can all look forward to a safe, healthy and productive year ahead.


Elfa Lillis

Head of School