When I began teaching at All Saints Grammar, I was instantly drawn to the ethos of learning as a life-long journey. Six years in, I still find this approach refreshing and energising. I have continually been afforded opportunities to grow and develop personally and professionally; my passion for being an educator has, and continues to be, nurtured within our school context. As the Assistant Academic Leader of PDHPE, I strive to ensure we continue to provide each and every student with rigorous and engaging learning experiences that nurture their capacity to develop as learners and people. It’s challenging, but I love it!

I believe, as an educator, it is crucial to model the values of learning that we expect of our students. This, combined with my love for learning has led me to undertake my Master of Education, with a specialisation in Mathematics. As I began to study students showed great curiosity; “How will you teach and do uni at the same time?” “Isn’t it hard?” “Why would you do that?” It has created an authentic and productive conversation about the value of being a lifelong learner, and the challenge and rewards that come with it. As the completion of my Masters degree nears, students are already asking “What will you study next?” I am proud that I am in a position to model to students what it looks like to continually strive to be a Better Person and a Better Learner.

There’s no denying the past 18 months have provided a unique set of challenges; especially in regards to how we continue to provide world class education to our students. It has been challenging, frustrating and exciting (yes, exciting!). I have been forced to adapt, grow and be flexible in my approaches to learning and teaching, and as a result, I continue to grow and develop in a personal and professional capacity. I continue to get better. To enable our students to engage in, and flourish in an everchanging world, for me, is the greatest privilege of being an educator at All Saints Grammar.