All Saints Grammar is well serviced with a range of convenient transport options connecting Sydney to the School. Our Door-to-Door Bus Service offers families in several areas a pick-up and drop-off service, while our ASG Bus Services link the Primary and Secondary campuses via various routes. Transport NSW and private subsidised bus and train services provide an extensive network for students travelling from various areas of Sydney, including the inner west, east and southern suburbs. Students using public transport to and from school are required to apply for an Opal Card.
Campus Location
PreKinder Campus
35 Isabel Street, Belmore NSW 2192
Primary Campus
13-17 Cecilia Street, Belmore NSW 2192
Secondary Campus
31 Forsyth Street, Belmore NSW 2192
Book a Tour
Apply Now
PO Box 5, Belmore NSW 2192
02 9704 6400
Director of Enrolments
02 9704 6433
All Saints Greek Orthodox Grammar School