Welcome back to school

It has been wonderful to see our students back on campus after such a long time learning from home during lockdown. While there may be some level of anxiety lingering in all of us, we take comfort in the fact that we are taking every possible measure to minimise risk and maximise the learning for our students.

Significant restrictions to what we can do are still in place and will continue to be for the remainder of the term; all of which are intended to safeguard our students’ health and wellbeing. Given that the pandemic continues to be present in the community, we will continue to avoid unnecessary risks for our students and our staff.  This means that we will not be conducting inter-school sports competitions, or taking students on long trips, excursions, or congregating in large groups in indoor spaces. Parents and other external visitors will only be allowed on campus in the case of an emergency.

While it is regrettable that we have to take these measures, it is wonderful that we can finish the year with students being on campus and once again be able to socialise with their friends and classmates at school.



By now, families would have received their child’s NAPLAN report.  We are pleased to once again report that on average, our students have performed well above the State Average in all areas of the test. Of course, there are always useful lessons to be learnt from these exams and to find better ways to continue improving our students’ academic performance. Our teachers are working through the data we have received and making appropriate adjustments to our teaching and learning programs.


HSC examinations

This week we celebrated the Year 12 Valedictory Doxology where we acknowledged our students’ efforts and achievements. We were blessed to have His Eminence Archbishop Makarios present with us at this event.

On Tuesday 9 November, our students begin their final examinations. We wish them the best of success, and we pray for their health and endurance during this period of exams. I’m sure our students will make themselves and all of us proud with their efforts.