STEM is a combination of Scientific, Technological, Engineering and Mathematics principles that follows a Project-Based Learning methodology. This means that students spend time studying and investigating a particular challenge and then develop responses in how to problem-solve and overcome the challenges posed.

The practical application of these important subjects helps our students to learn the vital skills so that they are equipped to become the innovators of tomorrow. The rate of technological development is only quickening, and our students need to develop the growth mindset, ingenuity and creativity to tackle these challenges.

When students are challenged to design, make and evaluate projects, they quickly learn about Science and Technology, but also learn how to collaborate and work as a team. These skills are vital regardless of their future fields of work or study and our students can feel fully equipped as they have been exposed to these project-based learning opportunities.

STEM is regarded as an important part of a child’s development as it allows them to make connections between real-life experiences and the disciplines within STEM. The concept of applied knowledge is one of the most critical factors outlined in STEM for the gaining and retaining of new concepts in this technological world.

At All Saints Grammar, our students have engaged with the Coding Robot Challenges and applied the Engineering principles that they have learned in the Electric Car Racers Challenge. For Senior Students, the next project will be the Engineering Aeroplane Challenge.

The challenging nature behind these STEM projects ensures our students are challenged to be themselves at their best and can flourish as individuals, all in a safe and friendly learning environment.

If you would like to know more about STEM and whether it might be right for your child, then please contact either myself or Miriam Cross.

Peter Tsitsos
Academic Leader – STEM (7-12)